Before you try to tackle your milk supply issue, it is essential to learn about basics of breastfeeding.
Do you know
- what to prepare for breastfeeding prior to birth?
- what to do in the first few hour after birth?
- how does milk production work?
- how frequent and how long you should nurse your baby?
- whether your baby gets enough milk (Hint: This is super important)
These are just a set of starter questions to get your self acquainted with breastfeeding. You also need to prepare for some what if’s questions should a problem (or two) arises, such as:
- my baby cries all the time, does she need more milk?
- my baby is sleepy and not interested to nurse, how?
- breastfeeding hurts, where to get help?
And the list can go on and on..
Within this site, you will find me discussing about some important issues on breastfeeding basics. Thus, we can discuss things deeper later on while talking about tips and methods to increase your milk production. Should you have any feedbacks or inputs on topics that I should cover, feel free to drop me a comment below.